Morning Routine Magic

By Maggie Glisan

If the pandemic has taught me anything, it’s the power of routine. When life felt completely turned upside down, carving out time for consistent practices was key for my overall health and happiness. And when I take inventory of the days that went better than others, those “good days” almost always started with a morning routine.

There’s no one-size-fits-all prescription for the ideal morning routine. We all have unique circumstances and challenges like work schedules and family dynamics that will impact how you best set up your day. Some of us are morning people who love to hit the ground running at 5 a.m., and other of us don’t hit our stride until after dinner.

But regardless of when you rise, carving out a few moments at the start of each day to fill up your own cup can help you become infinitely more productive, calmer, and more resilient in the face of inevitable road bumps. If most days you feel like you’re running on the hamster wheel of life, try on a few of the suggestions below and see what works for you.

Before we dive, however, let’s first talk about one big fat don’t. And it might be one of the toughest to stick to: Don’t check your phone.

How often have you gone to silence your alarm and immediately started scrolling? It can start innocently enough. What’s the weather looking like today? You wonder while opening the weather app. Forty-five minutes later, you’re irritated by your Aunt Sherry’s political post on Facebook, feeling deflated after seeing your neighbor’s finished home renovation on Instagram, and have gone down a 20-minute rabbit hole perusing your ex’s Venmo history. And it’s not even 7 a.m.

In that amount of time, you could have accomplished any number of the following, all of which will help you feel more grounded, centered, and energized. So, with that said, let’s get to the dos, shall we?

Drink a big glass of water

Drinking water is vital for your body to function properly, and overnight your body becomes relatively dehydrated. Water also cleans out toxins in your system and even helps you maintain optimal brain activity. If you often feel sluggish and foggy, try this simple trick: keep a glass next to your bed and reach for it as soon as your alarm goes off.

Move your body

You don’t have to be a 5:45 a.m. Power Sculpt regular for this one to fit into your routine. (But that’s awesome if that’s your jam!) Even if you don’t plan to hit your mat until later in the day, do some gentle stretching, fit in a few brief weight

bearing exercises, or get some fresh air by walking your pup around the neighborhood. Those feel-good endorphins will boost your energy for the rest of the day.


We all know meditation is good for us. It can also be really challenging—especially for those of us who’d rather fire off 10 work emails first thing rather than sitting in silence. But research shows that even a few minutes of daily meditation can improve your mood so that you’re less reactive, regardless of what the day might throw at you.

List your big 3

Do you ever wake up and immediately feel bogged down by a never-ending list of to dos? I’m a big proponent of lists—especially when writing everything down reduces mental clutter. But I often find that when I don’t make as big of a dent as I’d hoped, I feel discouraged. So instead, list just 3 things that you are hell-bent on accomplishing in your day. You’ll find this gives you greater clarity and improves productivity to get done the things that really matter.

Read (or listen to) something inspiring

Instead of jumping on the Twitter train or turning on the news first thing, choose to read or listen to something that makes you feel hopeful or sparks joy (thanks Marie Kondo). The media we consume first thing can set the tone for the day. So instead of devouring the negative, opt for the positive.

Practice gratitude

Jot down 3 to 5 things you feel thankful for. Even if you wake up on the wrong side of the bed, taking a moment to show gratitude can significantly shift your mindset.

These are just a few things you can do to set your day up for success. As you start to find your ideal routine, you might even find yourself looking forward to the sound of your alarm. Do you have a morning routine? What daily practices set you up for success? Let us know in the comments!


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2024 Power Life, All Rights Reserved.
Built with 🤍 by Blink Wellness

Village Pointe Studio Parking

Parking available in the Scheels Parking Lot.

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About Kirk: 

Kirk was working 80-hour weeks and wearing his shoulders as earrings when he found yoga in 2005. Forever the competitive athlete, he loved the physicality of yoga. When the spiritual and philosophical side of yoga were exposed to him, Kirk was hooked. Yoga provided him with what other activities couldn’t -- the ability to foster the benefits of practice both on and off of the mat. Yoga was something that Kirk could bring into all aspects of his life. 

Kirk knows that yoga can be intimidating, so he crafts a class that is playful and inviting, while still being challenging and safe. His creatively planned classes build strength and flexibility in your body and mind while establishing clarity, giving you more confidence to overcome obstacles in your life, and keeping you injury-free. His classes are themed with a message that is relatable and will inspire you to take it with you off your mat. Kirk has been teaching yoga since 2008 and lead his first teacher training in 2012. Where Kirk truly shines is in coaching, developing and bringing out the best in others.  

Kirk enjoys traveling (40+ countries to date!), snowboarding, and cherishes time with his wife and two daughters. 

About Christen: 

Christen Bakken’s yoga journey began in 1998 in a Bikram studio that provided a safe and secure place to practice. She saw the yoga mat as a place to remember her purpose and a place to play. As she continued her studies and began her journey to teaching in 2006, Christen infused yoga classes with devotion and the yoga mat became a place of personal transformation and healing. Her classes are filled with laughter, song, sweat, and usually heart openers. In 2013, Christen began training yoga teachers. This is the place where she finds the most joy - in community with folks looking to grow and be of greater service in their homes, on their mats, and in the world. Over the years, she has led trainings in Denver, the Midwest, Florida, and now abroad. She has trained in continuing education modules, 200-hour, 300-hour, and 500-hour programs. Beyond the mat, Christen is a passionate adventure seeker - she loves to bike, snowboard, and spend time with her husband and pups. She sees each day as a blessing and hopes to remind all who interact with her of this truth.  

Two Light Studio Parking Information

We validate parking for THREE garages in the area!

  • Two Light garage located directly north of the studio. Please bring your ticket inside for validation.

  • Three Light garage at Main and Truman. Garage entrance on Truman. Please bring your ticket inside for a validation sticker.

  • Power & Light garage at 13th and Grand. Please ask for a parking pass at the studio front desk. (Hot tip: the Power & Light garage has a ton of space! But be sure to give yourself a little extra time to walk to the studio.)

If you find that you are running a couple minutes late due to parking, please call the studio to let the instructor know to wait for you before locking the doors.

Blackstone Studio Parking

  • We have partnered with our friends at Greenslate to provide 1 hour and 15 minute validated parking for Power Life students in the lot at 36th and Harney (just south of the Cottonwood Hotel). Read below to learn how to take advantage of this perk:

    • Step 1: Scan the QR code located in the lot.

    • Step 2: Select your destination (i.e. “yoga studio”).

    • Step 3: Ask for the validation code at the Blackstone studio front desk and enter it on your phone.

    • Step 4: You are all set! Have fun at class!

    Please note:

    • The validation provided by Power Life and Greenslate is for 1 hour and 15 minutes. Need to add additional time to your parking space? You can do that conveniently from your phone!

    • This option is valid once per day per license plate.

    • Please do NOT park in the Crescent Moon lot − you will be towed!

East Village Studio Amenities

  • There is a paved lot and gravel lot on the West side of the building.

  • Meters on Court and 4th (by Peace Tree) for $0.25/hour, 9am-9pm Mon. – Sat. 12-hour max*

  • Meters on 4th (to the North) for $1.25/hour. Mon – Sat. 4-hour max.

  • All meters are free on Sundays and major holidays.

*Starting July 8, 4th Street will temporarily become a one-way. Students will only be able to enter our parking lot from the North via Court Ave. and exit it going south. Thank you for understanding!

Morning Routine Magic Info